Orange offers world-class resources to support a developmentally relevant content strategy that helps kids strengthen their faith. Orange works to align the church and home because two combined influences make a more enormous impact than one alone. Whether you use the Orange curriculum for weekend worship, children’s church, mid-week programming, VBS, or day camps, getting your kid’s ministry content ready each week can be daunting.
No Downloading or Uploading
of churches worldwide use Orange Curriculum to help shape the next generation. They aren’t bound by location, denomination, or size and are all working to reach the same goal: to see kids come to know Jesus and grow in their faith. This is done in various ways, including weekly church content, events, digital ministry training, and a free annual conference. Their curriculum covers preschool through high school and focuses on connecting children to their families for discipleship. The strategy gets its name from Orange, representing the combination of critical influences like church and home. By creating biblical resources that align the light of the church with the heart of the home, they believe these two influential voices can impact kids more than one can alone. Think Orange has developed detailed curriculum options for every age group to support this vision. But what if you could get all of this without the hassle of downloading? An easy-to-use presentation software like Playlister connects to your Orange account and instantly syncs the video content. Learn more about our platform and how to get started with your church’s Orange media package and curriculum by visiting our website.
Streaming is Simple
The Orange curriculum focuses on connecting the church and home for strong families. The curriculum provides resources and experiences that align both influences to significantly impact kids’ lives. Their strategy and weekly curriculum are built to help kids build their faith from birth – graduation. They offer a range of learning styles and content, including interactive stories, intentional story-time, and play. Combined with their dynamic event experiences and digital ministry training, this curriculum helps churches grow strong and healthy. When you add a presentation software subscription to your Orange curriculum media package, it’s easy for your leaders to sync and present videos on TV in minutes instantly. Find quality products from for all your equipment needs. This eliminates the need to download, upload, or edit video, saving you weekly hours. Plus, you can sync your whole media library to one app and access it on any TV, anytime.
No Training
Orange is known for its weekly church curriculum and event experiences focusing on family ministry. Their strategy creates biblical resources that align critical influences like the church and home to show kids that two voices impact more significantly than one influencer alone. The name “Orange” comes from the combination of the colors yellow and red, which represents the idea that when the light of the church (yellow) is combined with the heart of the home (red), children will grow up to be believers that serve and love Christ. Presentation software makes accessing and using the Orange curriculum at your church more straightforward than ever. Instead of lugging around flash drives, the integration with Orange instantly syncs your content. All you have to do is link your account, and you can start building a playlist in seconds. There are four age-specific curricula for preschool through elementary school, as well as a parent app, group events app, and media package, making teaching the kids at your church simpler than ever.
No Software
Think Orange is a church curriculum that is used by thousands of churches around the world. Regardless of size, location, or denomination, these churches all share one common bond – they want to shape the next generation of faith leaders. They’re well known for their family ministry events and training and have a curriculum library covering everything from preschool to high school. The name “Orange” comes from their strategy of aligning critical influences in kids’ lives – the home (parents and guardians) and church (ministry leaders like you) – to create an impact that is stronger than either one can do alone. The Orange curriculum for birth through 5th grade does an excellent job of teaching biblical stories and concepts that lay a strong foundation in students for their future application of God’s Word in youth ministry. To bridge that gap, Orange student ministry resources focus on teaching themes and making the Bible relevant and engaging to today’s culture.
No Flash Drives
The orange curriculum is one of the most tech-friendly kids ministry resources on the market. No more lugging flash drives around town, spending hours on editing videos with complicated software; the integration with Orange allows you to link your account and instantly import your Orange content allowing you to build a playlist and start streaming quickly. Founded on the belief that faith isn’t just about the church but rather about the home and that two combined influences make a more substantial impact in kids’ lives, the Orange strategy and curriculum focus on building solid roots of faith in every child. From toddlers through elementary, the Orange curriculum teaches that when light (church) and love (home) come together, it creates a more substantial impact than alone.
In this digital age, more and more people are turning to technology to help them further their education and skills. Online education is becoming increasingly popular as a way to learn whatever interest or expertise you may have, from basic arithmetic to advanced computer programming. One of the primary resources for this type of learning is Orange Curriculum, an online search engine for educational resources. Until recently, you would need to download the content from Orange Curriculum’s webpage. But now, Orange Curriculum is available to access without needing to download anything directly to the device.
This new technology is providing a great benefit to those looking to access Orange Curriculum for educational resources. Not only does it make it more secure, meaning downloading is no longer necessary, but it also greatly increases the speed of access. With Orange Curriculum now being available to access without downloading, it means that students are able to access educational content via their TV at a much faster rate. This is particularly useful for schools and classrooms, where students and instructors need quick access to educational resources in order to make the most of each learning session.
Furthermore, with the new technology, Orange Curriculum is now open for those that have Internet TV – allowing users to access educational resources without the need for additional devices (such as a laptop or PC). This is a great benefit for those who are unable to afford a laptop, for example, or who want to access educational content while out and about.
Overall, accessing Orange Curriculum on TV without the need for downloading is an incredibly useful tool for those looking to access educational resources. Not only does it simplify the process, but it also increases the speed of access, as well as expands the range of devices that can access Orange Curriculum. As the digital age progresses, the development of this kind of technology will no doubt become ever more commonplace, offering an ever greater number of users the opportunity to access educational resources with ease and efficiency.